Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Its the most wonderful time of the year...and I'm single

Sing with me! It's the most wonderful time of the year! When you are very single and you see others cuffing, you feel some type a waaay! It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Santa you know what I want for Christmas
 Christmas is my FAVORITEST holiday of all holidays (and Easter because my Savior GOT UP!):  where you spend time with your family members, close friends, sometimes strangers, and your significant other.  For 13 Christmases, I have been without a significant other  Who doesn't want to have a boo decorating each other's tree (because you guys aren't married yet) sipping on some eggnog (my fav) and watching This Christmas!

Side note:  About my comment basically about not living together, everyone has their opinion of co-habituating before marriage. I, Jeanine Leah Hill cannot do that because Jeanine Leah Hill KNOWS Jeanine Leah Hill. Those who can do it and have done it, MORE POWER TO YOU!

                            Back to the Post

 Watching those love sappy hallmark movies didn't make it any better because, the story line is always the same: There's a guy, there's a girl, they meet, they find fault within each other, they get over because they have fallen in love and they live happily ever after! 
Just Cheese all over this and I still love it!

You would think that by now, this could have happen to me but no, not yet. Being single during the holidays, depending your mindset can either make your holidays a wonderful time with just ME, MYSELF, and I or it can be the WORST TIME EVER!

Some people may not be in the boat that I am in; someone may have been expecting a happily ever after but unfortunately (or fortunately! God stepped in) was broken up from their relationship and now they are feeling that pain of not having that special someone with them during the holidays especially after spending their time, energy and money with that person.

Another situation may have been that a significant other has passed away and they are feeling the pain of their loss.  And if you are in this situation, I pray for your heart to be mended and God will send the peace that surpasses all understanding to you. (Philippians 4:7).

So singles, what do we do? As we scroll on our Facebook news feed and we see a number of our Facebook friends, getting engaged, just got into a relationship, been married for a few years and now is having or has had the baby...all the things we desire, do we get bitter or throw a pity party? No! We congratulate and be GENUINELY HAPPY for those individuals who are in those categories.  Because one day, if it is in God's will, God will bless us with a husband or wife and everything else we desire.

I have to admit, at a certain point with the last couple of months, I had to put my phone down looking on Facebook because it was getting overwhelming seeing all of the engagements, nuptials, babies, and other things that I desire are happening to others and not me.

 God wants to see US be faithful in this season of singleness. What is God telling US to do during this time where we have less distractions?  If you have just broken up with someone or vise versa, spend sometime ALONE.  This is the time to reflect on SELF and get SELF back on track That break up could be a setup for God to speak to you without that distraction. This is the most wonderful time of the year and of our lives because of the growth that we will see within us and the visions that will manifest before our very eyes!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Learned Lessons

For the past few days I have been thinking about this post title "Learned Lessons". I know, you are probably thinking "Lesson Learned" but the reason why I have it as Learned Lessons because I am going to share some of the lessons I have learned over the years and even recently.

One lesson I have learned and I have said it throughout the blog so far about me having a relationship in God.  I just heard tonight in church that it is difficult to obey God if you can't trust him. A lot of moments in my life, not just relational but with my finances and  plans that I know God has set out for me that I did not pursue because of the lack of faith in Him that I had.  It happens to a lot of us, if not all of us. Stepping out on faith 4 years ago to move down to Florida has tremendously helped me grow into the person I am today and I am still growing. Living on your own is not an easy thing to do. Thinking about my subbing days in Maryland, I was working at a Christian Academy at my church home and one day for my lunch break, I decided to go down stairs and sit in the sanctuary.  I heard God as clear as day, "Be a good steward".  I knew what that meant but with the lack of discipline of managing money, I struggle keeping funds in my savings and sometimes in my checking.  Now I am not saying this to make you all feel bad for me but this something I have learned and learning;  learning to trust God with EVERYTHING in my life, including my bank account. Knowing that He's my  SOURCE and whatever I need, he will give me the resources to fulfill those needs according to His riches and glory.

Another lesson I have learned is when God allows you to go through something and if you did not "pass" that moment in your life, it will definitely come back in full circle but just in another
environment and with other people.  It's like taking a prerequisite class in college but you end up failing that class and you HAVE to take it again and PASS it or you will not be able to graduate.
I clearly recall a situation in my life where I had a guy friend that was like a brother to me; we cracked jokes on each other, we hung out all times of the hour, told a few secrets, and we wrestled.
LADIES! If you are single and you are wanting to live a holy and righteous life, DO NOT WRESTLE WITH YOUR SINGLE GUY FRIEND. IT WILL TAKE YOU BOTH TO HELL! JUST KIDDING on the hell part, however, wrestling is basically the PG version of foreplay.  All that touching eventually will get you two to a place you weren't planning to go OR maybe you were but who's to know!  But what I do know and what I have experience, it is not the way to go.  It wasn't an "all the way" situation but it did take us to a place where I thought about the scripture in Matthew 18:6 "But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea."

That scripture gripped my heart and as many of us, when we fall, we fall on our face to God and cry out to him SORRY LORD, I didn't mean it!....Wait a minute, But you did. you...sorry I...I was pushing that envelop and seeing how far I could go. (SMH) 

Side note: We HAVE to STOP putting ourselves in situations where we could get caught up! Not just with sexual sin but with being a good steward with your finances, not lying, not pretending be something that you are not, etc, etc. 

BACK to my 2nd lesson.  My friend and I took a long time to come back together and friends because we allowed our fleshly desires to consume us and even now our relationship wasn't the way it was before. Remember when I said about lessons that we didn't get the first time, that it will come back around to test us out again? Well a couple of years ago THE SAME situation happened; guy friend. like a brother. cracked jokes, shared stories, and we wrestled. This time, was a little more devastating because, I had a visit with the doctors to see if I was pregnant. Thankfully the test was negative but man ole man, something that could have been innocent, turned into something that I wouldn't have been ready for, even now I don't think I would be ready to be a mother, let alone a single parent. That friend and I are now cordial, however our friendship could have been great without what we have done. It took me the second time around with that lesson to recognize that I cannot allow the devil have a foothold (things that seem innocent) in none of my life.  

Letting the devil have a foothold could mean spending the night over your significant other's home, joking harshly to another person, and other things you can replace those two things I just listed.  The Enemy can use any situation and turn it bad but thanks be to God we have Him who will turn our bad situation and turn it for our good! TESTIMONY!

What lessons haven't you learned yet? Is it trust/lack of faith? Continuing to get into pointless relationships because you are lonely or bored? Is it getting into a financial bind because you are not managing your money properly? Is it lack of planning and not executing them because you have deemed yourself as a procrastinator?  Life and death is in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21) and now it is the time to speak life over ALL your situations. We may not be where we want to be but if we continue to submit, surrender and sacrifice: submitting all of yourself to God, surrendering your plans for your life to Him, and sacrificing (deny yourself and take up your cross) so that you may do His Will.  

Last thing, SHOUT TO THE SINGLE MOTHERS! YOU GUYS ROCK! My mother  did an awesome job on me and my brother. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Dear Guy Friend

Dear Guy Friend,

For so long, we would enjoy a good laugh, intimate conversations, and a little bit of flirting. However I have a confession, I have been using you. Because of this extensive wait of the right one to come around, I get a little lonely and I can get a little bored.  So I entertain the thought of you being him and at times, I get so wrapped up in those thoughts, feelings begin to develop and then I become attached knowing that there is a 50/50 chance that you aren't the one. And sometimes I actually already know you aren't the one because I either consulted with God or He will flat out tell me "NO". 

So its kinda me wasting OUR time with all the face time chats, FB messengers, IG DMs, Groupme and whatever form of communication we decide to choose that day. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy talking with you and I am sure its mutual however you won't be hearing much from me anymore. It's not quite fair that I occupy ALOT of my time with you and not with Jesus.

I know you probably saying "oh here we go, she's one of those girls that calls Jesus her husband". Well technically, He is my husband because I am the Bride (The Church) and daily, I need to cultivate my relationship with Him and not have unnecessary distractions in my life.  

I owe us both an apology.

Yours Truly,
Not yours 

Has anyone been in this situation before? Wasting time on people that may have your best interest but not the one to continue to invest your time into? For years, I would be in this cycle of talking with multiple guys, at the same time: not dating, just chatting, filling that void that can be easily filled with my time with God.  The Apostle Paul mentions about singleness in 1 Corinthians 7 and how he would wish that the people in Corinth would be single but he understands the burning sensation to have sex, you might as well get married. He's NOT saying get married to have sex but if you are courting (dating to marry) and that couple is FEELING THE FIRE OF PASSION, then go ahead and get married, because it is better to marry than to BURN. 

For those who maybe in my situation where I would occupy myself specifically with men, don't do it.  This is the time where self-discovery is taking place.  I thank God for these men, because they are helping me learn more about myself and understand more of how men think especially when they say they are interested but not the degree I would want them to be interested. 

Side Note: when I get the chance I will do the VLOG version of this post. 

Message version of 1 Corinthians 7:1-9

1 Corinthians 7The Message (MSG)

To Be Married, to Be Single . . .

Now, getting down to the questions you asked in your letter to me. First, Is it a good thing to have sexual relations?
2-6 Certainly—but only within a certain context. It’s good for a man to have a wife, and for a woman to have a husband. Sexual drives are strong, but marriage is strong enough to contain them and provide for a balanced and fulfilling sexual life in a world of sexual disorder. The marriage bed must be a place of mutuality—the husband seeking to satisfy his wife, the wife seeking to satisfy her husband. Marriage is not a place to “stand up for your rights.” Marriage is a decision to serve the other, whether in bed or out. Abstaining from sex is permissible for a period of time if you both agree to it, and if it’s for the purposes of prayer and fasting—but only for such times. Then come back together again. Satan has an ingenious way of tempting us when we least expect it. I’m not, understand, commanding these periods of abstinence—only providing my best counsel if you should choose them.
Sometimes I wish everyone were single like me—a simpler life in many ways! But celibacy is not for everyone any more than marriage is. God gives the gift of the single life to some, the gift of the married life to others.
8-9 I do, though, tell the unmarried and widows that singleness might well be the best thing for them, as it has been for me. But if they can’t manage their desires and emotions, they should by all means go ahead and get married. The difficulties of marriage are preferable by far to a sexually tortured life as a single.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Interview


For my 5th post I decided to vlog my post. I had so many technical difficulties but I managed. Hope you enjoy! Please like, comment, and share!
 Click here to watch

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Flesh Is A BEAST! Or Is It?

"But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other." Galatians 5:16-17

A while ago I purchased a t-shirt that said "The Flesh Is A Beast".  At times, I allow my fleshly desires to take over; whether it be wanting to have sex, allowing fear to grip me, and being lazy; not doing the things that I should be doing to help me go forward.  Tonight I wanted to stay home and not go to church for bible study because I was "Too tired". The Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me to cook dinner, rest yourself a bit and then go to church! Listen, I love going to church and hearing a great word and then going home to attempt to apply what I learned but man oh man, sometimes I just want to be home and CHILL. 

I went to church because I was being obedient and I also went because, I was hoping to see my brother there so he can ask our sister if I can come over the house so I can use her charger because I left my charger at work and all three of my electronic devices are dead, so I am left without an alarm system; I really would have to depend of the Holy Spirit to wake me up and wake me up on TIME! By the way, I didn't see my brother....Holy Spirit, BE AN ALARM CLOCK! 

Side Note : I am not rambling, I am setting this up to what I am going to say.  

So, I went to church and it was a special service at the church and so there was a special guest Pastor which was the! He Preached on going deeper and if we want the overflow of God's blessings for us, we have to go deeper in our praise, worship, studying, spending time with God, etc.  All the stuff that I know.  I told you that the flesh is a beast right? We know that a beast is strong and have power but the flesh... What does the flesh do? Better yet, what is the term "Flesh" mean  in Christian Lingo?  I went to which is a pretty good site to look up questions about the bible and anything else dealing with the Christian religion and I typed in "What is the flesh?" and it gave me this long explanation of what the flesh is (you can read it on your own time) and read the definition of it and here is the part that I want to point out:

"...all parts of the body constitute a totality known as flesh, which is dominated by sin to such a degree that wherever flesh is, all forms of sin are likewise present, and no good thing can live.”

Dominated by sin, all forms of sin, and no good thing comes from the flesh or living in the flesh.  Galatians 5:19 writes out a list of things when living in the flesh: sexual immorality, jealousy, fits of anger, divisions, orgies, idolatry, just to name of few.  So when in Christ,  we live by the fruit of the Spirit that is stated later on in Galatians chapter 5 (22-23): Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering also known as PATIENCE and there are 5 more.  

I literally grew up in church.  No I am not a PK (Preacher's Kid) nor a Minister's Kid but I do have a Grandmother and Mother who was a single parent for half of my life that LOVES the Lord and took my brother and I to church every time the doors would open. So I knew how to CHURCH: I knew how to close my eyes to pray, lift up my hands, sit down when I was suppose to, stand up when I was suppose to, but over the years that I have been growing closer to God, that my relationship with Him was always on the surface.  Have
you ever been to the beautiful vast ocean where there's the sand, then the area where the water meets the sand and the further you go in the ocean, the deeper it is.  Now I am not saying that my relationship with God is on the sand or where the water meets the sand but a lot times I just enjoy being there instead of being immersed in the water. I know how to swim ( I LOVE THE WATER) and as of now I am slightly overweight and out of shape, so when swimming, I get tired quicker than I normally would. Especially when I am deep in the ocean, when those waves are getting aggressive, and me trying to swim against them is the hardest ever. 

What I have learned about myself is that I can get very lazy and I want to give up quickly AND I don't like pain.  Hence me being overweight and out of shape.  That goes the same for me spiritually: When I don't take the time to exercise my spiritual muscles in worship, prayer, and fasting, I allow my flesh to grow stronger.  So when desiring a man or allowing my insecurities to takeover, I know that I have to get into the Word and get in God's face quick, fast, and a hurry!  

When I am facing obstacles in my life, at times I don't feel strong enough and that might because God is allowing me to go through a test and He is giving me the opportunity to grow in that area. Other times it is the same things that I struggle with and it is all because I am not allowing myself to go deeper where I have to work a little more harder than before; to be on my knees a little longer than before and to turn over my plate without any distractions. 

I don't have to allow my flesh to take over me because I am a Child of God and for that I am a new person (1 Corinthians 5:17)  and the old things are gone...DEAD! So why let myself get caught up into dead things? Dead stuff can't do nothing to me because it's DEAD! But I am human. I am also a Spiritual being that is just living in this body. I am so happy that I was obedient to God to go to church tonight to hear that message because the Lord spoke to me through that message and directly to me:

1.  GO DEEPER JEANINE. God has like a serious calling over my life and me being where I am now, is okay, but I know I have to go even further to where God can take me to the places where He is going to take me and use me the way He wants to use me.

2. ITS NOT YOU THAT'S PUTTING THOSE THOUGHTS IN YOUR HEAD, ITS THE ENEMY.  When I go out to public places (church, hanging out with friends, etc.) my mind tends to wonder of if my husband is actually in the same room with me.  For 99.9 percent of the time, I go to places with good intentions and not think about that, I just have my mind set of that event. Tonight, the Lord spoke to me and told me, it wasn't me but indeed the enemy.  The Devil will twist what God has for you and pervert it and him knowing my desire, he turned it to make me out a weirdo.  Not saying that I don't think about that which I do and have my moments of thinking about him and I and yes I pray for my husband (Dear Future Husband) but on the level of it being the top thought in my mind when I see men and it pressing like someone is pressuring me to do something I don't want to do (BULLY)  is where I know it's the Devil.  

I needed to hear BOTH words tonight! 😄😄😄

Friday, November 11, 2016

Attached Too Soon

So as you can see, I like pictures and with each post, I will do my best to have pictures to describe what I am saying because I am a visual learner and I think it would be more entertaining to see pictures while reading like, an adult picture book (lol). So as I was looking for a picture about being "attached", I thought about duct tape. I was looking for the perfect picture and then I came across this image that said "The Duct Tape Challenge". So, I went on YouTube and looked it up and what I saw was pure foolishness. Far from the fire challenge and the cinnamon challenge but this was silly as well.  

Please take the time and watch this short video as I paint the picture for this post.

So yeah. What did you think of it? REAL SILLY RIGHT? I mean first of all, GRAVITY! Then, she has to take all that duct tape off her skin and from her mouth! Having that type of adhesive on your skin/hair...the pain...ugh! Whether you take it off fast or slow, IT'S GOING TO HURT!

The next picture I am going to show you is the result someone that went through the duct tape challenge. Please be advise, this picture isn't pretty  

Once again, HOW SILLY and FOOLISH is this challenge? He looked like someone beat him down badly!

Well, with men that I have dealt with, this is what I look like in the inside because I was attached too soon.  I  admit, a guy that would give me just enough attention, my mind would just go the running! "Ohhh, this is BAE right here. He's saying the right things, he's giving me attention. We have great conversation, he's giving me attention. He has express himself that he's interested and he is giving me attention....He's giving me ATTENTION. That's all.  Why did I allow myself to get so caught up so quickly? Maybe its those darn Disney Movies, especially those princess movies when the Princess daydreams about the Prince and when they see each other they fall instantly in love.  Listen! Movies and music can sway your emotions and subconsciously take over and think you're  that character....No, its just me? Okay.
"I know you I walked with you once upon a dream"
Or maybe it was just the desperation to have someone that kinda sorta knows me and says, "Hey, I'm feeling you". Sometimes, that wasn't the case; there was one who I allowed to consume my thoughts because for some crazy reason I thought, he was my husband and for years I was emotionally attached to him and not once did he express himself on that level. How silly is that? (Duct tape Challenge)
And don't you just roll your eyes at people that says that he or she says that "Oh, that's  my Husband/Wife and God did not confirm that with you and/or with that other person.  Now I will tell you this, I know a few young women that spotted out their husband and said that "That's my husband" and time went by and indeed that was their husband. I know the scripture says that "He that FINDS a Wife...(Proverbs 18:22)" but I  know  for sure that God speaks to and use both men and women (Acts 2:18). I also know that whatever God speaks to you, it's not for everyone to hear.  He may give us a word or a dream about something or someone and He may not want us to share that specific thing at that moment but for you to just watch Him work!

How many of us have been hasty to jump into something especially if we THINK that God has giving us the green light? *Raises Hand* Then when we try to pursue that thing/person, eventually we will end up like the duct tape challenge guy, looking foolish and bruised. I have allowed myself to be duct taped too many times and honestly, I think I have built a tolerance to it....nah, it still hurts like crap but I bounce back quicker now because it has happened so many times. It's like going for a job position that you want so bad and you think you are qualified because you have learned the science of the position and for whatever reason you get denied.   Denied.....rejection. It hits the core. Who wants to be rejected by something or someone they desire?  As the saying goes "Delay is NOT Denial".  The things that God has said NO to or has not allow to happened yet has protected us over and over and over and OVER again!  With all these years of singleness, it feels like I have been denied of something I desire but as I said in my first post, God's timing is perfect and He knows what is best for His children.

Last thing. Today, I heard a message from the Bishop (T.D. Jakes) and he was talking about Jonah and he mentioned in his message that he realized that the story of Jonah wasn't about Jonah helping Nineveh but Nineveh helping Jonah and his issues. I will link the sermon below because that sermon was AWESOME.  Basically he was saying that God allows situations and people in our life to help us in the areas that we have issues in. That is a word!


Psalm 46:10a
"He says, "Be still, and know that I am God..."

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Road Trip

Before posting my first post for this blog, I was looking for a background that was appropriate.   I saw one background that was pretty cool and it had a compass, not necessarily any meaning to it or I can just come up with one with about searching or being guided but then I found this one that had an open wide road with a van on the road and when I saw that I was it was like a light bulb turned on! A road trip! A road trip is exciting because you are exploring places you have never been and with pit stops you may meet interesting people. It also can be exhausting because you been driving/sitting in a car for so long and you just want to get to your final destination already! 

Well, that's how I feel on this 13 year (and counting) journey of being single. I have been to places I have never been before and I have certainly met some interesting people along the way, I am just waiting to get to that final destination of settling with one that God has for me.

It has been 13 years and 5 months since I have been single.  I am 31 years old and I have not been in a relationship since my senior year in high school. Can you believe that? I am too awesome not to be someone's greater half but here I am, blogging about my singleness. At a point I thought something was wrong with me and why I could have been overlooked for so long. Well, there have been men who showed their interest but they were just getting out of a relationship/marriage, wasn't quite interested in a relationship or something missing all together with them and so I couldn't go forward with those.

Before I became single, I was with my EX for two years.  We met when I was 15 years old at a youth ski retreat: both of our churches went together. On the trip, we dialogue and eventually exchanged numbers. After the trip and three days later he asked to be his girlfriend and I accepted. My mom didn't care too much of him but I was in "love". Two weeks before my senior prom, I broke up with him because I "fell out of love" with him.  He never treated me wrong, it was my feelings that deterred me away from him.  I can't remember specifics because it was so long ago. Days after the break up, he asked me to give it a try and so I did and after a few days later I told him it couldn't work out because I still felt the same way. After that, I got in the car and started to ride on the road of singleness.  

This road that I have been on has been bumpy, smooth and sharp turns that I almost fell off the cliff but because I serve a God who cares about ALL OF ME, IN SPITE OF, has covered me in ways that you wouldn't know unless I had told you:  Heartbreaks, one-night stands, multiple stands and a pregnancy scare, I have endure this road trip. Just to feel wanted and looked at beyond "That cute goofy girl that makes me laugh" and, I wanted to "feel good" as well. But now looking at all those "Situationships" that I was in... By the Way according to google a situationship is basically a pseudo-relationship. A placebo masking itself as a formative relationship. It smells like a relationship, it sorta looks like a relationship, and it may even feel like one, but it's not. 

 But going back to what I was saying, looking at all those situationships that I was in, made me realize that I wasn't trusting in God enough (or at all) to be all that I would look for in a man.  What do I want in a man? I want him to make me laugh, provide for me, protect me, LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM, Flaws and All and guess who does that for me now and have always done for me? GOD! He definitely makes me laugh, especially when he protects me from situations I am not even suppose to be in! Also, He is my Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14), my provider, He is my Jehovah Nissi (Exodus 17:15), The Lord who Fights and Wins my battles, and of course He loves me for ALL of me (John 3:16-17). He let his Son become the sacrificial Lamb for ME! THAT'S LOVE! For someone to die for YOU in spite of your faults and shortcomings.

 Man....That's what I want in a man and God has all that: When I am feeling lonely, He comforts me with his still voice and his Word. When I am driving long distance, I would turn off the radio just to speak to him and/or listen to Him. But daily I am making a conscious decision to spend time with my 1st Love, my Husband (because I am the Bride/Church) , My Homie, My Savior, My friend, Jesus :-D. 

Let me tell you! and I am sure that if some other Christian Single Women (especially if they honest with themselves) the STRUGGLE IS REAL: Sex before marriage is hard especially if you already had a taste of it and the whole settling thing....we want to be with the one that God has for us but we want to be cuddled up, have long conversations with, that attention from a man so sometimes we settle and we let those feelings loose focus on who can do that for us....GOD. 

I was told it is another ball game once you get married and Lord, I am being patient to make sure JEANINE LEAH HILL is getting life together. I know that I won't be perfect, who will and who is? But my mind, my mind will be in the right place to become someone's wife. This road trip though...

 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.  Philippians 3:14(NLT)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Prologue

This past weekend was B-CU's (Bethune-Cookman University) Homecoming and this year as a 7 1/2 year Alum, I decided to go to an Alumni Party.  Totally not my scene at all: I am the type of gal that likes more intimate/smaller settings like lounges and bar-restaurants. This particular party and those who are Wildcats know what I am talking about when I say this; the party reminded me of a gym party that I had to pay for and adult beverages were being served.  I told myself I would make myself have a good time because one, I paid to go and two, I was FINE! I mean, I did myself up so well, I still have multiple selfies on my cellphone of me trying to figure out which picture was IG and FB worthy. 

While I was at the party, I saw an old friend of mine that we use to chat and hang during my undergrad years. He totally kept me company and it was cool. As we conversed, we asked the normal catch up questions, "So where do you live?", "What do you do?", "What was your major again?" and of course the ultimate question popped up because we are 30 and up, "Are you married?" He asked if I was married and/or have kids and I said neither and I asked him the same question and he said both. So after we talked some more, he asked this question and I have heard this through out the years, "Why are you still single?"

I would try to look deep in my single bag and try to dig up some answers as to why I could be possibly single but I couldn't give a straight answer. People would ask me, "Is it your choice that you are single?" and Now, I just answer with "You gotta ask God about that".

Last night I came across a Heather Lindsey video about struggling with your single life and she mentioned about our "Adam sleeping" during our single season. What she meant was that during our single season, the one that God has for us, spiritually, he is not awakened to seeing that woman as pursuing her to date with purpose/courting.I mentioned that because as the younger folks would say my phone/text messages, fb messages, and DMs be DRY and what I mean by dry is that there hasn't been anyone trying to hit me up and say "Wassup, wanna hangout?" NOTHING! Well, I get the occasional guy friends I would talk to but none were interested in pursing beyond our conversations. I felt like and sometimes still do feel like no one can't see me as a potential BAE, Wife...Nada.   But needless to say, God has me where I am for a perfectly good reason and I am FINALLY choosing to take advantage of this time of SINGLENESS. And yes I changed my voice when I typed SINGLENESS. Can you hear it? Maybe not but yeah.

God has placed it on my heart to tell my story of my single life through blog and the title of this blog is called 13 Years and Counting. It's been 13 years since I have been single.... yes ONE-THREE!
13 years is a long time y'all, however, I just know that God's plan is better than my plan and his timing is absolutely PERFECT!

"Wait for the Lord; Be strong and Courageous. Wait for the Lord"
Psalm 27:14 HCSB

PS. I told you I was FINE!