Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Its the most wonderful time of the year...and I'm single

Sing with me! It's the most wonderful time of the year! When you are very single and you see others cuffing, you feel some type a waaay! It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Santa you know what I want for Christmas
 Christmas is my FAVORITEST holiday of all holidays (and Easter because my Savior GOT UP!):  where you spend time with your family members, close friends, sometimes strangers, and your significant other.  For 13 Christmases, I have been without a significant other  Who doesn't want to have a boo decorating each other's tree (because you guys aren't married yet) sipping on some eggnog (my fav) and watching This Christmas!

Side note:  About my comment basically about not living together, everyone has their opinion of co-habituating before marriage. I, Jeanine Leah Hill cannot do that because Jeanine Leah Hill KNOWS Jeanine Leah Hill. Those who can do it and have done it, MORE POWER TO YOU!

                            Back to the Post

 Watching those love sappy hallmark movies didn't make it any better because, the story line is always the same: There's a guy, there's a girl, they meet, they find fault within each other, they get over because they have fallen in love and they live happily ever after! 
Just Cheese all over this and I still love it!

You would think that by now, this could have happen to me but no, not yet. Being single during the holidays, depending your mindset can either make your holidays a wonderful time with just ME, MYSELF, and I or it can be the WORST TIME EVER!

Some people may not be in the boat that I am in; someone may have been expecting a happily ever after but unfortunately (or fortunately! God stepped in) was broken up from their relationship and now they are feeling that pain of not having that special someone with them during the holidays especially after spending their time, energy and money with that person.

Another situation may have been that a significant other has passed away and they are feeling the pain of their loss.  And if you are in this situation, I pray for your heart to be mended and God will send the peace that surpasses all understanding to you. (Philippians 4:7).

So singles, what do we do? As we scroll on our Facebook news feed and we see a number of our Facebook friends, getting engaged, just got into a relationship, been married for a few years and now is having or has had the baby...all the things we desire, do we get bitter or throw a pity party? No! We congratulate and be GENUINELY HAPPY for those individuals who are in those categories.  Because one day, if it is in God's will, God will bless us with a husband or wife and everything else we desire.

I have to admit, at a certain point with the last couple of months, I had to put my phone down looking on Facebook because it was getting overwhelming seeing all of the engagements, nuptials, babies, and other things that I desire are happening to others and not me.

 God wants to see US be faithful in this season of singleness. What is God telling US to do during this time where we have less distractions?  If you have just broken up with someone or vise versa, spend sometime ALONE.  This is the time to reflect on SELF and get SELF back on track That break up could be a setup for God to speak to you without that distraction. This is the most wonderful time of the year and of our lives because of the growth that we will see within us and the visions that will manifest before our very eyes!

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