Friday, November 11, 2016

Attached Too Soon

So as you can see, I like pictures and with each post, I will do my best to have pictures to describe what I am saying because I am a visual learner and I think it would be more entertaining to see pictures while reading like, an adult picture book (lol). So as I was looking for a picture about being "attached", I thought about duct tape. I was looking for the perfect picture and then I came across this image that said "The Duct Tape Challenge". So, I went on YouTube and looked it up and what I saw was pure foolishness. Far from the fire challenge and the cinnamon challenge but this was silly as well.  

Please take the time and watch this short video as I paint the picture for this post.

So yeah. What did you think of it? REAL SILLY RIGHT? I mean first of all, GRAVITY! Then, she has to take all that duct tape off her skin and from her mouth! Having that type of adhesive on your skin/hair...the pain...ugh! Whether you take it off fast or slow, IT'S GOING TO HURT!

The next picture I am going to show you is the result someone that went through the duct tape challenge. Please be advise, this picture isn't pretty  

Once again, HOW SILLY and FOOLISH is this challenge? He looked like someone beat him down badly!

Well, with men that I have dealt with, this is what I look like in the inside because I was attached too soon.  I  admit, a guy that would give me just enough attention, my mind would just go the running! "Ohhh, this is BAE right here. He's saying the right things, he's giving me attention. We have great conversation, he's giving me attention. He has express himself that he's interested and he is giving me attention....He's giving me ATTENTION. That's all.  Why did I allow myself to get so caught up so quickly? Maybe its those darn Disney Movies, especially those princess movies when the Princess daydreams about the Prince and when they see each other they fall instantly in love.  Listen! Movies and music can sway your emotions and subconsciously take over and think you're  that character....No, its just me? Okay.
"I know you I walked with you once upon a dream"
Or maybe it was just the desperation to have someone that kinda sorta knows me and says, "Hey, I'm feeling you". Sometimes, that wasn't the case; there was one who I allowed to consume my thoughts because for some crazy reason I thought, he was my husband and for years I was emotionally attached to him and not once did he express himself on that level. How silly is that? (Duct tape Challenge)
And don't you just roll your eyes at people that says that he or she says that "Oh, that's  my Husband/Wife and God did not confirm that with you and/or with that other person.  Now I will tell you this, I know a few young women that spotted out their husband and said that "That's my husband" and time went by and indeed that was their husband. I know the scripture says that "He that FINDS a Wife...(Proverbs 18:22)" but I  know  for sure that God speaks to and use both men and women (Acts 2:18). I also know that whatever God speaks to you, it's not for everyone to hear.  He may give us a word or a dream about something or someone and He may not want us to share that specific thing at that moment but for you to just watch Him work!

How many of us have been hasty to jump into something especially if we THINK that God has giving us the green light? *Raises Hand* Then when we try to pursue that thing/person, eventually we will end up like the duct tape challenge guy, looking foolish and bruised. I have allowed myself to be duct taped too many times and honestly, I think I have built a tolerance to it....nah, it still hurts like crap but I bounce back quicker now because it has happened so many times. It's like going for a job position that you want so bad and you think you are qualified because you have learned the science of the position and for whatever reason you get denied.   Denied.....rejection. It hits the core. Who wants to be rejected by something or someone they desire?  As the saying goes "Delay is NOT Denial".  The things that God has said NO to or has not allow to happened yet has protected us over and over and over and OVER again!  With all these years of singleness, it feels like I have been denied of something I desire but as I said in my first post, God's timing is perfect and He knows what is best for His children.

Last thing. Today, I heard a message from the Bishop (T.D. Jakes) and he was talking about Jonah and he mentioned in his message that he realized that the story of Jonah wasn't about Jonah helping Nineveh but Nineveh helping Jonah and his issues. I will link the sermon below because that sermon was AWESOME.  Basically he was saying that God allows situations and people in our life to help us in the areas that we have issues in. That is a word!


Psalm 46:10a
"He says, "Be still, and know that I am God..."

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post, God dropped a lot in my spirit as I was reading this, and saw the video of the duct tape.
