Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Prologue

This past weekend was B-CU's (Bethune-Cookman University) Homecoming and this year as a 7 1/2 year Alum, I decided to go to an Alumni Party.  Totally not my scene at all: I am the type of gal that likes more intimate/smaller settings like lounges and bar-restaurants. This particular party and those who are Wildcats know what I am talking about when I say this; the party reminded me of a gym party that I had to pay for and adult beverages were being served.  I told myself I would make myself have a good time because one, I paid to go and two, I was FINE! I mean, I did myself up so well, I still have multiple selfies on my cellphone of me trying to figure out which picture was IG and FB worthy. 

While I was at the party, I saw an old friend of mine that we use to chat and hang during my undergrad years. He totally kept me company and it was cool. As we conversed, we asked the normal catch up questions, "So where do you live?", "What do you do?", "What was your major again?" and of course the ultimate question popped up because we are 30 and up, "Are you married?" He asked if I was married and/or have kids and I said neither and I asked him the same question and he said both. So after we talked some more, he asked this question and I have heard this through out the years, "Why are you still single?"

I would try to look deep in my single bag and try to dig up some answers as to why I could be possibly single but I couldn't give a straight answer. People would ask me, "Is it your choice that you are single?" and Now, I just answer with "You gotta ask God about that".

Last night I came across a Heather Lindsey video about struggling with your single life and she mentioned about our "Adam sleeping" during our single season. What she meant was that during our single season, the one that God has for us, spiritually, he is not awakened to seeing that woman as pursuing her to date with purpose/courting.I mentioned that because as the younger folks would say my phone/text messages, fb messages, and DMs be DRY and what I mean by dry is that there hasn't been anyone trying to hit me up and say "Wassup, wanna hangout?" NOTHING! Well, I get the occasional guy friends I would talk to but none were interested in pursing beyond our conversations. I felt like and sometimes still do feel like no one can't see me as a potential BAE, Wife...Nada.   But needless to say, God has me where I am for a perfectly good reason and I am FINALLY choosing to take advantage of this time of SINGLENESS. And yes I changed my voice when I typed SINGLENESS. Can you hear it? Maybe not but yeah.

God has placed it on my heart to tell my story of my single life through blog and the title of this blog is called 13 Years and Counting. It's been 13 years since I have been single.... yes ONE-THREE!
13 years is a long time y'all, however, I just know that God's plan is better than my plan and his timing is absolutely PERFECT!

"Wait for the Lord; Be strong and Courageous. Wait for the Lord"
Psalm 27:14 HCSB

PS. I told you I was FINE!


  1. Great post!!! Keep them coming.God will send the right person along in His time. My wife and I are living witnesses to that fact. I started blogging a few years back as well. Check it out: www.thedaddays.com

    1. Thank you so much! I truly believe that he will in due time. Please keep reading! I will do my best to post once a week and I will check out yours as well!

  2. Sometimes, we have to place ourselves in situations where we can meet a potential partner. Making yourself available once every blue moon will only reduce the chances of you meeting a potential mate. It will take consistency in new environments. You have to honestly ask yourself these important questions. Are you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially ready for a relationship. Are you available for a relationship? Why do you want a relationship? Do you want a relationship because your close friends have mates? What can you offer your potential mate? Have you received confirmation from God that you are green light ready for a relationship? Binding with another human being takes serious effort. Counting the years of singleness is not as important as loving and taking care of ourselves. Remember everything happens for reason. In harvest season you will reap a healthy relationship.��

    1. Hey sis! Those are all great questions and I will definitely look into answering them in my private time. God bless!

  3. Love it... eager to follow the journey

  4. Im so glad I found your blog. Will be checking this out often. Singleness is not the end and it does not mean rush its a very interesting time filled with Learning and preparation for the best great great article.

    1. I am so glad you found it Ashley! Thank you for reading and I totally agree 100%! I have an instagram that you can follow that I will post inspiring quotes to encourage the singles out there! @13yearsandcountingblog

  5. Im so glad I found your blog. Will be checking this out often. Singleness is not the end and it does not mean rush its a very interesting time filled with Learning and preparation for the best great great article.
