Monday, January 22, 2024

My Plan vs. His Plan

Proverbs 16:9 The Passion Translation states "Within your heart you can make plans for your future, but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there."

One of the favorite scriptures written by the Apostle Paul that us Church folks like to recite and yet it is very profound is Romans 8:28 NLT says "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." 

TPT says "So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfil his designed purpose." 

Sidenote: Translations of the bible are a great way to read God's Word to understand it where you are. Everyone can't understand the King James Version. New King James Version and then New International Version are a good start.

I like how the TPT version says "continually". God's plan and purpose for us has already been laid out, we are just walking it out in our everyday lives.  God created us with a purpose and those desires of what we want to do to help make this world to be a better place, He put those desires in us. Those who are Christ Followers know that God has a plan and purpose is for ALL humanity. Whether you believe in the Triune God (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) like I do or you don't believe, know that YOU were born ON Purpose WITH a Purpose. 

Sidenote: I love me a good t-shirt and while I was looking for a graphic for this part of my post, I found this website. I love it when people use their gifts and shine the light of Christ at the same time! 

So when we start to plan out what our life would look like, there will be obstacles that might get in our way before getting to our destinations. 

For example: Back in high school (between 1999-2003), my plans for my life were the following:

  • Go to college to receive my bachelors Elementary Education
  • Go to grad school to receive my masters in Counseling so I can become a School Counselor
  • Finally top off the higher education with a Doctoral degree to be come a child psychologist
  • Get married in my mid 20s
  • Have kids between 28-30
  • Enjoy my life with my family
  • Have some family businesses

Uhh...yeah. Life went like thise

  • 2003, I graduate from HS and went to school...The GREAT BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE (then) and now University! HAIL WILDCATS!
  • 2009 I FINALLY graduated from school 
  • In 2009, I turned 24 and I was still single
  • Fall 2009 I started Grad school to become a Counselor but I dropped out because I wasn't mentally ready for the online school class load. I ended up dropping out...
  • 2016, I started this blog
  • Ten years later, I began my masters program at The GREAT Bethune-Cookman University for Christian Ministry.... I became a licensed Minister that year as well.
  • 2019....still no ring, no proposal, still single
  • 2020....y'all know what happened 😷
  • 2021, I got my masters....Praise The Lord but no ring...not married 
  • 2022, I published 13YAC 😀
  • 2024....I FINALLY started my Counseling Program YAAAAYY....but no ring....not yet.

I could have went into details as to how things didn't necessarily went my way but just know this, EVERYTHING that happened whether good, bad or indifferent WORK OUT for MY GOOD and for GOD'S GLORY!

Last last thing, please support a sister and go on to get you a copy and your friend and next door neighbor a copy. I am sure it will bless you. 


##Godhassomethinggreatinstoreforme  #InExpectation #2024isgoingtobeagoodyear #DoMore #Stretching #Elevation #Promotion  #HisWifeToBe  

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