Monday, January 15, 2024

The Anti-Hero: The Imposter Syndrome


I'm not the biggest Taylor Swift fan but I do like a couple of her songs; "shake it off" and "Anti-Hero".  I don't know what I like about the song "Anti-Hero". I don't know if it is the hook that says "It's me, HI, I'm the problem is me" or just the music but either way, I have found myself as the Anti-Hero in my romantic relationships as well. When I think about the Anti-Hero, I think about Deadpool, Loki, and Wanda A.K.A The Scarlett Witch. 

Really quickly. Wanda Maximoff have gone through some pain y'all; she lost her parents, her brother and the love of her life Vision. In the Disney Plus series "WandaVision", Wanda creates this entire town and put them under her Scarlett Witch spell in order to deal with the pain that she has not allowed herself to unpack and heal from. 

Sidenote: I am a Marvel Fanatic! #TeamMCU

Hmm.... that sounds familiar. While going through life, I wasn't able to properly go through the healing process when I was rejected or when things didn't work out with the person that I was with. Hence the last post I encouraged US to go seek some help.

Sidenote: If you are realizing some traits that opposes your character, you should look into it with a professional.

I did go to counseling a few times but I think I needed more than what I allowed myself to get from it. The Anti-Hero that is within me is someone who has been hurt and hasn't come to find the root of the issue. She is also, doubtful and insecure about herself. 

I am saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost as the saints say, however I struggle sometimes with keeping in mind of who I serve. I serve the True and Living King that sits up high and looks down low. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. The Triune God (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) that has given me the tools to remind myself of  who He is, who I am and how I need to fight these daily battles. 
 Read, Study, Meditate, Apply, REPEAT!

Sidenote: If you are a believer in 2024, we have to immerse ourselves in God's Word and STAND FIRM ON IT. It's way too much out there and the Devil is making this world even more ghetto than it was before #IYKYK

Recently, I recognize that I see something happening great in my life and I find a way to sabotage it. The experts call it the "Imposter Syndrome".

According to  website Very well mind, the imposter syndrome is "the internal psychological experience of feeling like a phony in some area of your life, despite any success that you have achieved in that area."

On this website, it also shares the traits of an imposter syndrome:

  • An inability to realistically assess your competence and skills
  • Attributing your success to external factors
  • Berating your performance
  • Fear that you won't live up to expectations
  • Overachieving 
  • Sabotaging your own success
  • Self-doubt
  • Setting very challenging goals and feeling disappointed when you fall short4

Sometimes, I am heavy on the self-doubt and even the self-sabotage. It's like, when you have something great in front of you and you can't believe this is happening to you and that it is "too good to be true", fear rushes in. You think to yourself, it's just going to be like the last time or I have this opportunity that I have been waiting for a long time are ready, you are qualified, its an answered prayer but you let that four letter word soak into your soul...FEAR.

I like how people play with words and use acronyms to help explain their message. You might have already heard this before but with fear, you can either "Forget Everything And Run", meaning forget what God has said and what He has promised you OR you can "Face Everything And Rise"! Face those things YOU KNOW God is in and RISE to the occasion to overcome and achieve. 

Jesus tells His disciples John 10:10 (NLT) says "The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."

The thief is the devil and he is going to find anyway to derail our lives. I REBUKE HIM and his schemes IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!  

 I love that song "Fear is not my Future" by Maverick City 

Fear is not my futureYou are (You are), You are (You are)Sickness is not my storyYou are (You are), You are (You are)Heartbreak's not my home (You can stay here)You are (You are), You are (death is not the end)Death is not the endJesus, You are (You are), You are
So hello peace, hello joyHello love (it's a new day)Hello strength, hello hopeIt's a new horizon (the sun is coming up)Hello peace, hello joyHello loveHello strength, hello hopeIt's a new horizon (Fear is not my future)

So I say goodbye to the Anti-Hero. She no longer lives here. I have THE TRUE HERO residing in me and that's Jesus Christ. 

Last last thing, please support a sister and go on to get you a copy and your friend and next door neighbor a copy. I am sure it will bless you. 


##Godhassomethinggreatinstoreforme  #InExpectation #2024isgoingtobeagoodyear #DoMore #Stretching #Elevation #Promotion  #HisWifeToBe  

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