Monday, February 12, 2024

God is writing my love story: The count is over


In 2014, William Murphy put out a song called " Its working" and just like so many other gospel songs, it blew up. A couple of weeks ago, it was ringing in my spirit and this was the chance that I really sat down and listened to the song and meditate on it. 

"This is my season for grace for favor, 

  This is my season to reap what I have sown..." 

It's been a loooonnnng long time coming to see this day. Sowing seeds is definitely a process and you have to make sure that the seeds that you are growing are growing on fertile ground. God allows us to go through life and plant seeds within us to help us grow into what He wants us to become, and that is to be more like him. Are you that fertile ground that Jesus mentioned in that parable in Matthew 13:1-9? Are you exercising your faith like it talks about in the other parable  in Matthew 13:31-32? 

Side note: Go read your bible and see what Matthew says... 😉

Allow God to plant those seeds of life in you so that when you get tested, you will be like the tree planted along the river bank (Jeremiah 17:7-8) not worrying about nothing because you are so rooted in God, nothing and no one can't change your mind about it. 

And that's what happened with me. I have always had faith in God and believed in the seeds that he planted in me: those dreams and desires of so many things, including love here on earth. To experience it like I would imagine, that's happening now more than I would imagine. After a 20 year "hiatus", God showed what he was doing....He showed me that he has been writing my love story this entire time.

"See, I haven't been perfect, but I sure been faithful
See, God's got a purpose yes and I know he's able
I've got a seed in the ground, that he's blessing no more stressing
I've got a seed in the ground, now I know him I can show him"

See, I haven't been perfect. I have struggles and have fallen into temptation plenty of times. I felt like "Dear Guy Friend" would satisfy that space where my husband to be was suppose to be, however those lessons of relationships and situationships gave me an opportunity to learn about myself and help me to recognize the only love that I ever needed was from our Abba Father. The God who IS love. Despite of my mishaps and mistakes....some dumb ones at that, God still saw me as his faithful servant daughter. I have a purpose in this life and that purpose is to be a conduit of His light to shine throughout this dark and dreary world and to be a conduit of his love. To show the love of Christ to others, even when they are in disbelief. 

"Listen, everything is working together for my good
Everything is working (Don't feel good) together for my good
Everything is working together for my good"

Multiple times I had proclaimed that I was content of being single and for the most part I was, but I still had the longing desire to have someone, for them to their queen, their hunny bunny, their wife. Each time I proclaimed "CONTENTMENT", I was lead back to God, trusting his process, allowing him to mold me and prune me so I can be prepared, not just becoming someone's wife but becoming what God wanted me to become: his servant, minister, educator, mentor, that light.

Side Note: That Wife Ministry though..... 


"God is leaning in my direction He's leaning in my direction"

God causes EVERYTHING to work out for YOUR good and MINE! I didn't realize that over the course of 20 years God was working it out. Over the course of 6 years, God was preparing me specifically for this moment in time. He allowed me to date who I dated. One, I had to let go and just last November, God made that person go. 

But *koolaid smile insert* literally days later, I received a friend request from someone that I would have never thought I would get.....but I did. A person from the past. A person in our youth, from undergrad. A fellow Wildcat that I once dated in our sophomore year.  I accepted the friend request out of curiosity.  I wasn't sure what it was about and as things started to go along, I soon realized it was 👇👇👇

"This is my season for grace for favor, yeah
This is my season to reap what I have sown
I've got a seed in the ground, I've got a seed in the ground
And I don't care what your circumstance says, it's already getting better"

The title of this post is "God is writing my love story: The Count is over". God has been writing my love story, beginning with His Son Jesus Christ dying on the cross for me and you. Now he allowing me bring this counting season to a close. Last year I was hearing a lot of preachers saying one word and that's "suddenly".... "God is going to do it SUDDENLY" and just know that God's promises are YES and AMEN! 

My love story continues to be written and I am loving the way it is being unfolded. I was prepared for this....for ALL OF IT. I'm grateful, I'm thankful and I am truly blessed of who God has put in my life. For that I say..... I am no longer counting. The count is over!

Side Note: Keep God first, keep him in the middle of it and allow HIM to write YOUR story. 


Last last thing, please support a sister and go on to get you a copy and your friend and next door neighbor a copy. I am sure it will bless you. 


##Godhassomethinggreatinstoreforme  #InExpectation #2024isgoingtobeagoodyear #DoMore #Stretching #Elevation #Promotion  #HisWifeToBe  

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