Friday, March 31, 2017

These Are My Confessions

During my 10th post, my brother asked me if I did this blog to educate/encourage others or is it for an outlet and I told him both but today this is definitely an outlet.  Today was an emotional day for me. My thoughts can be the death of me; I think about my current situation of my career, my finances, and of course my relationship status.  I was scrolling on FB and this particular day the posts that I see that people are making moves (not excuses) and living the life had me feeling some type of way.  One my Sorority Sisters has a blog out called "The Girl With Big Hair(IG:@TheGirlwBigHair) has a  post on Self-Care and one of those self-cares was to take a break on Social media.  Which I have said in a previous post and what I have done from time to time because its certainly needed. You can get so overwhelmed with people and their's just best for your mental and emotional to take a TIME OUT of social media.

Image result for usher confessions gifSo this post is about confessions and yes my title was inspired by Usher's Confessions and since this blog is #13yearsandcounting, I am going to share 13 out of my many confessions.  By the way, some people may think this is TOO personal and I shouldn't put ALL my business out there but this helps me out.  As a Single-Introverted lady, writing my thoughts down de-stresses me and if you want to get biblical with it John 8:32 says "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". Even though this scripture is talking about Jesus, the feeling when telling the truth  indeed frees you.. James 5:16 says "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect". Confess is the keyword.  Holding on to mistakes you made or if someone has offended you (whether big or small) is not going help you with  the progression of life.  As I said in my previous posts that Jesus died for ALL OF THAT (In my up North accent).  If the God of the Creator of ALL things can forgive us, we can certainly forgive ourselves.

Confession #13: I have a stack of books that I haven't read yet. Not a big reader but I am working on it.

Confession #12  I ate out all this week.

Confession #11:  I still talk with "Dear Guy Friend" in hopes something would change God's mind but God knows what's best for me


Confession #9:  I sometimes put myself in comprising positions

Confessions #8:  I "gospelize" secular music

Confession #7:  Depression is real and I deal with it at times (I've gotten WAY better Thank you JESUS)

Confession #6:  I have a guitar that I asked my mother to get me for Christmas almost 7 years ago (maybe more) and I don't know how to play it

Confession #5: I don't study my Word as much as I should

Confession #4:  I don't like being pressured when committing to something but I can do the pressuring (double standard I know)

Confession #3:  My 14th year of my singleness is coming up in a couple of months and still no prospects

Confession #2:   I am such a movie fanatic that I decided to work at a movie theater

Confession #1:  I LOVE CHICKEN WINGS


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