Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Why settle for less when you can have God's Best!

Everyone has a struggle and at some point everyone has settled. Life can seem difficult because what we desire hasn't come to past and we are waiting, and waiting and waiting.  We are doing the right thing but we are still waiting.  So at a certain point, we settle.

 I am known for settling: Settling with "Situationships", settling with just breezing through school, settling with a job that I really do not desire to be at.  I have been comfortable with just settling and not pushing myself to greater. 

I don't beat myself on it too much because life is full of lessons. On my third day of work, I had an epiphany. My epiphany was that I have allowed myself to settle in the field that I am in now for years and I did it because it was easy to get into. Instead of working hard to pass my Teacher's examinations, I just went with what I can get.  It doesn't bring me joy, I am not happy.. so why am I still in this situation? As I said before, life is full of lessons and because it's something that I have to do now, I have stopped complaining and now am doing something about it so that I can work towards what God has called me to do and what I desire to do. Do what you HAVE to do until you can do what yImage result for do what you have to do until you can do what you want to doou WANT to do is a quote that I am living by now. Even in the spiritual.  I have to invest in godly matters; studying God's word, praying often, fasting, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, using the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), keeping myself from temptation, being proactive to reach my goals and staying pure in thought, word, and deed.  Now I don't do the those things because God is going to bless me because,  He is going to bless me with the things He promised me and more, but I am doing it because I want to PLEASE GOD.  I want to be a living proof of God's existence, of His love, and His compassion towards His creation. 

One of my many confessions is that I am flawed person and I do make mistakes, as EVERYONE ELSE.  We are not exempt from falling and making mistakes because sin entered into the world (Genesis 3). However, 42 generations later, God was like Rafiki from the Lion King and said it is time to
Image result for lion king it is time

bring His Son on the scene so He can become sin and  saved the World from sin (John 3:16-17). Could you imagine? After Adam and Eve  messed up our opportunity for living in paradise, God not only took care of them in their sin, he continued to bless them and later on gave us a Savior name Jesus Christ and a Counselor name the Holy Spirit or for those Baptist out there the Holy GHOST! What an AWESOME GOD WE SERVE! In spite of our wrong doings, God still loves us and blesses us. Now, he is going to correct us but He does that because He LOVES us (Proverbs 3:12). He wants the VERY BEST for His Children!

Whether it is a relationship/marriage we desire, a job, a business opportunity, ANYTHING, God wants to give His VERY BEST FOR US. It is up to us to continue to TRUST in Him with the paths He takes us to get to our next destination.

Remember, you are TOO important and TOO valuable to settle for less. We know our worth because we were made in the image of God: We are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made, we are MORE than Conquerors, We are love and joy and peace, WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES US STRENGTH!

Don't allow the Devil to fool you into thinking that because you are still single or you became single after a breakup that you are not worth it. YOU. ARE. WORTH. THE. WAIT. God is going to BLOW our minds at what He is doing. Continue to Trust Him and He will lead and guide you every step of the WAY!

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