Thursday, November 2, 2017

Dear Guy Friend: The Last installment

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Dear Guy Friend,

I noticed a pattern and it's not with you, it is with me; I tell you that I want to be friends, JUST FRIENDS but when things boils down, we get into a situation.  Mentally, emotionally and physically we connect and are having a great time but I totally contradict what I say.  You know, so I am not even going to go down the list.  Yes, we have GREAT chemistry and we get along so well, so why can't we just keep it platonic? I'll tell you why, because I do not know how to say NO.  Listen, 14 years of singleness and wanting to stay pure and holy is a hard thing to do...but it's doable.  

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I have realized that with you my guy friend, I put you in this category of  a potential husband right away!  So after long conversations and a hangout or two, I am ready to fall in love, settle down and wait for things to pop off ;relationship, engagement, marriage and the baby! I am such a hopeless romantic and I picture what who where why and how and none of those scenarios in my mind are of God's plans.  

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Sorry but this is funny
 You are like the Northern star; bright and beautiful but pointing to the direction that leads to where my final destination is. Ouch...that hurts for even me to say that but unfortunately its true. 

  What I should be using is the Lamp to light my path so that I may use wisdom and faith  while on this road.  

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I have been a people pleaser and man chaser for too long because I haven't trust God enough to bless me with a partner that he created and design just for me.  I promise you, I am not blaming you in any way, I am blaming my brokenness and my lack of faith.  I know I know, I am human and humans need relationships, they need that bond and connection, however, I know God isn't the author of confusion.   

This is my last letter to you because I have to FINALLY end this unhealthy relationship with you. I like you as a friend. I know and YOU know that is all we are. Don't get me wrong, you are an amazing person and a great friend to have. You talk to me and treat me in such a way that you are my HusBae (rhyming...corny I know). You  have  also taught me a lot about myself; how I am caring, compassionate, sometimes selfish, lacking control , and not holding up to the standards I gave myself.  It's time for me to move pass this part of my life, this cycle I keep putting myself in with you, allowing you to be a fill in before he actually comes around.  It's not fair for the both of us, so  I am letting go and moving forward on this single road of mine.  

I love you 

God bless you

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A Single Christian Woman who is RECLAIMING HER TIME AND LIFE

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Image result for quote on christian single womanImage result for quote on christian single woman

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