Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Self Sabotage: Dear Guy Friend the Sequel

Self Sabotage: Behavior is said to be self-sabotaging when it creates problems and interferes with long-standing goals. The most common self-sabotaging behaviors are procrastination, self-medication with drugs or alcohol, comfort eating, and forms of self-injury such as cutting
Dear Guy Friend,

Here I am back again writing a letter to you. I honestly thought I was done playing around with you. Knowing that I am in my waiting season for my husband and the other things that God has for me, but I continue to by my time with you.  You say the right things and I eat it all up. You make me feel good and I can imagine that my husband would treat me the way you do. It makes me feel like I am in this fantasy and then I snapback and remember, you are not mine to have. What in the world am I doing?! Its unfair to ME and its unfair to you and yours.  

Why do I continue to do this to myself? Knowing what God has for me, and knowing what He has told me, its like self-sabotage.  It's unhealthy the way our friendship has turned to and if the situation was in reverse, my heart would be heavy. I don't have much to say but you and I cannot be anymore and if we don't be friends anymore, its for the best.

A determined woman

This season of singleness can be hard. The "Situationships" comes about and you just end up in a situation and no relationship. Going through the motions of a relationship but it hasn't been confirmed. I call it "snacks". When you hungry and the main course isn't ready for you just yet, you just munch on snacks to pass the time and dealing with the "Dear Guy Friends" in my life , I feel like that is what exactly I am doing. Just snacking and not even snacking on the good stuff while I'm waiting. It seems like a lonely rode but it's not. If you are in Christ you are NEVER alone. Allow this time to explore YOU, get to know you. Find the time to love yourself and set the standards so when he or she comes around, you will be at a good place not to fall into temptation. Be Faithful in your season and God will honor it.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Jeanine, will you be my Valentine?

Aww to hear "Jeanine, would you be my Valentine?" would have been so sweet, but this has been the 13th time that I didn't hear those words. How do I feel? It has been so long since I have been someone's Valentines, I just see it as another day.
My February 14th consisted of getting errands done, going to work, working with my mentees and relaxing on my couch watching red box movies.  I didn't go out, I just decided to stay in and chill with myself.
Don't feel sad for me because in reality, I don't want to be cherished on one specific and I don't want to show my love to someone on one day; I want my love and his love to be shown daily.  He doesn't have to waste his money on balloons and bears (even though I like teddy bears) or candy unless its Reese's. I LOVE ME SOME PEANUT BUTTER AND CHOCOLATE TOGETHER. 

that reminds me of my ideal man; He's chocolate and I am the peanut butter, it just goes together.

But knowing God, he will try to be funny and give me the brightest man out there. 
Anyway, it's not much to say about this post except that I have been my own Valentine 13 times in a row and I am okay with that. To show myself love first is WAY more important to show someone else love.  I won't be able to love him or anyone else unless I truly love myself and guess what y'all?
I LOVE ME Flaws and ALL!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A Fatherless Child: The Importance of a Father's Love

My father died when I was 6 years old.  That is not much time to develop a strong relationship. I vaguely remember him because after a certain point, my mother and him were not together and so my mother was a single parent of two. I do recall two times when he took me to the playground in our old neighborhood in NE DC but that's all.  I remember the funeral. I can see it now, me standing by the coffin at the church, hearing someone singing Boyz-ii-Men's "It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday".  After that, I don't recall too much except that during my early years as a youth, I would mumble and put my head down and according to some people I would always look "evil" Never knew why because at home, I was happy, so I thought.

Before putting out this post, I really wanted to go to a counselor to talk about the absence of my
father and how it affected me and other things that I just want to understand more.  BTW, especially to the Black Community, I encourage US to go to a professional counselor and just try it out.  We seem to internalize so much that we do things and we may not know why we do the things we do.  As the Word of God says, "The Truth will SET YOU FREE".  When I do go, I will definitely be blogging/vlogging my experience.
I totally thank God for him giving me wisdom and putting people in my lives to help me realize why I possibly do the things that I do because it could be the cause of my father's absence. 

You are probably wondering why would this be an issue for me because if you have read my previous blogs, watched my vlogs, look at the posts I put on IG and FB or just know me personally, knows that I LOVE GOD!  "Well, if God is your father and God is love, what would this be an issue Jeanine?" Well, from me looking outside-in and studying the Word of God that the father (earthly father) is suppose to be a representation of God the Father (spiritual): a teacher, a protector, a provider, and to show the God's love through it all. 

I don't hate my father not being with my mother and leaving my brother and I at such an early age however it did make a strong impact in my life.  From the first kiss to the present, I have been looking for love in the wrong place.  None of those experiences I have regretted, even my first time with the young man that was real jerk to me.  Yes, in my college years I had a relationship with God, but that tangible love is what I searching for those years, my father's love.

Johnnie Leon, the Film Maker and Jalyn Noel the Model
I wasn't fortunate to have a father that supported me in my extracurricular activities like this Dad. BTW this is my Brother and my beautiful teenage niece. I absolutely love their relationship and I praise God that my big bro grew up to be the man of God, Husband and Father that he is today. Even though he didn't have our father, he was fortunate to have men in his life that were and still are great husbands and fathers!She has such a blessing in her life! She gets to know how men should treat her. She is getting affirm by a man everyday. She's never talked down to, she's treated like a princess with chores.  Even now, with her 13 year old self, she prefers to just be friends with her guy friends and not be like her other friends chasing boys.

I while I was writing this post, I was looking for statistics on father-daughter relationships and I found this article from SheKnows.com entitled "The importance of the father-daughter relationship" and the author quoted this from another author

"A father's influence in his daughter's life shapes her self-esteem, self-image, confidence and opinions of men. "How Dad approaches life will serve as an example for his daughter to build off of in her own life, even if she chooses a different view of the world," says Michael Austin, associate professor of philosophy at Eastern Kentucky University and editor of Fatherhood - Philosophy for Everyone: The Dao of Daddy."

Additional to the support, father-daughter relationships gives an opportunity for them to share a creative skill with each other for something they will always remember like these three dads
Nicole Paris and her Dad
Benny Harlem and his daughter
LaGuardia Cross and Amalah
"New Father Chronicles"

That would have been an awesome experience, but as a Child of God, learning to embrace an invisible yet powerful, loving, caring, quick to listen, slow to anger Father was a hard thing to do especially me being visual and kinesthetic learner. I have to see and feel love but God certainly does that for me every time I open my eyes in the morning and I have no issue of getting up on my own; just one of MANY things He does for me. As a youngin in Christ,  I had my mother and my church family to guide me and assist with my relationship with God and I still get guidance but even back then, I felt like I had to  learn on my own, to learn and know God for myself; and you have to learn God for yourself, as the old saying goes "you can live off of you Grandma's faith or religion...can't remember the exact words, but yeah....

Btw I love this picture of President Obama and His Girls