Friday, July 21, 2017

My Vows

This past May (2017) marked my 14 year of singleness and I feel good about it. Do I want a companionship? Of course I do but over the years I have learned and I have said this in my previous posts that my relationship with others especially romantic relationships will not be as awesome as it should be if my relationship with God isn't growing and progressing as it should ; Just  the basic things such as forgiveness, patience and accepting someone for who they are the things that God has in our relationship and I have to produce those same traits towards people.

Some may agree with me and some may not but hey, this is my real life story and this is what works for me.

I entitled this post "My Vows" because not only did I cross over into my fourteenth year of singleness but in June, I celebrated my 32nd birthday! GO ME! 32 years of life is amazing and 14 years of singleness is even more amazing! LOL! But because of my milestones, I wanted to write vows.  Now normally you hear vows at a wedding and one day (God's Will), my friends and family will be hearing my vows to my husband at the altar but today, I am going to write out vows for ME.

Vows are promises and promises are hard to keep and sometimes we fail at keeping them but we strive to keep those promises and do out best to do better and be better.  I want to promise my 32 year old single self these following things:

I vow to myself  continue and always KEEP GOD FIRST. without Him, I would be NOTHING.

  I vow to myself to live the life that God intended me to live life. As we can see that life is way too short and it seems to get shorter, I want the opportunities that I see people on my social media has (traveling, building successful businesses, eating good food, etc.). I do my best not to get down on myself for not getting out of my comfort zone.  IT'S TIME TO GET OUT AND EXPLORE THE WORLD!

I vow to myself that I will love myself unconditionally holistically: Physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and economically! I have to get that credit score up!

I vow to myself that I will finish what I have started.  Procrastination , laziness, and fear has no authority over me and I proclaim the name of Jesus that I will be Productive, Proactive, and Fearless!

I vow to myself to step out of my comfort zone.  My Health/Wealth, networking, building business partners, stepping up into ministry is vital.

I vow to keep in contact with my family and friends on a consistent basics.  I am really bad with the "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" but I vow to myself to DO BETTER.

I vow to try something new...there goes that getting out of my comfort zone again.

I vow to pray more, meditate, and study more.  My spirit woman needs it and my relationship with God will benefit from it.

I vow to read more.  I never was a big reader (love movies) but there are so many great reads out there for education, development, and entertainment.

I vow to myself that in three months today (October 21, 2017) that 13 Years and Counting will be on Amazon, eBay, other book sites and in bookstores! I believe and receive it!